Monday 17 October 2016


Mechanics, especially solid mechanics. this post can be considered a mini primer on solid mechanics. i'm gonna cover most of the fundamental theories in plain english (Occasional math). okay, let's wait no more. let's get can google what solid mechanics is and where it's used yourself.
here we go.
1 - Stresses and Strains
1.1 - What is stress? it's just force per unit area.
1.2 - What is strain?

1.3 - Stress Strain relationship? Hooke's law

1.4 - Axially loaded bars?

1.5 - Compound bars?

1.6 - Thermal stresses?
1.7 - Principal Stresses and Strains :

1.8 - Biaxial stress :

1.9 - Mohrs Circle : to understand this, you gonna need some mathematical background.

2 - Analysis of Beams :
2.1 - Shear force and bending moment :

2.2 - types of beams :
2.3 - Types of Loads :

2.4 - Shear force and bending moment diagrams :

2.5 - Relation between shear force and bending moments :
2.6 - Theory of simple bending :

2.8 - Bending Stress in beams :

2.9 - Shear Stress :
we use bending stress and shear stress to find stress distributions for various cross sections and shapes. more on that in future.

3 - Deflection of Beams :
3.1 - Slope and deflection of beams :
well that's all there is to know about slope and deflection. Most of the deflection theory lies in mathematics and simple algebra. Some of the notable methods for solving deflection and slope are double integration method, moment area method, strain energy method.

4 - Torsion of Circular Shafts :
4.1 - Theory of Pure torsion :

4.2 - some concepts :
4.3 - Springs :
we study stresses, deformations, axial loads and torque acting on springs.
4.4 - Thin Cylinders :

4.5 - Columns and Struts :
Some interesting images :
Note : Unfortunately, i didn't cite my sources for any of the images i've used. anyone interested can always left click on the image for the image link and its source.
I would like to end this post by saying a few things, most of the above concepts are pretty rudimentary, these are like the nuts and bolts of solid mechanics. Have a good time!

Sunday 9 October 2016

In the last two months....

time flies! project image is a total disaster, but i did a little project on it though which was more or less half assed work. the project is based on Optical character recognition. Which basically means, it converts the pixels in a image into meaningful data using a predefined database, in simple words: if you take a snapshot of a textbook, it'll convert it into text and then you can save it as a pdf file. i've also learned a little on fourier transforms and how images can be deconstructed into primitive data and then that data can be used to do some cool stuff. and basically, that's it for the project image.
now, here's what i did in the past 2 months : i've tried many many many fucking things, everyday i used think of something new i want to accomplish. ( well didn't really accomplish much ), saw some beautiful movies. i planned on becoming good at a Object Oriented programming language by january the coming year ( 2017 ), i had a trouble choosing something.. and i finally chose java over everything else. In life, "Knowing you still have possibilities is a luxury". I even planned on starting a business related to information distribution ( facts ) about two months ago, i still haven't did shit about it. I've read some pretty good stuff, watched a hell lot of documentaries. of all the things, things that are most memorable are : Flight without formulae - Ac Kermode, this book is so good, even a layman who has an iq of 60 can understand how flights work. Read some stuff here and there on aerodynamics, for a brief period i even considered on becoming a aerodynamicist. after reading flight without formulaes, i had these visions of future where flight mechanics and the technology is so advanced, it's hard for us to comprehend right now with our primitive technology and ideas. and then i started reading Introduction to algorithms - CLRS, read first chapter, had a lot of difficulty understanding psuedo codes, cause i've never dealt with them before. then i read the first two or three chapters in Schaums Datastructures. then i realized, software runs the world. i never thought software was used on such grand scale. few days on and off from these subjects. then i wanted to do get a great internship at fortune 500 companies or something like that. and then i don't even remember putting much effort in searching. also for a brief period, i even tried data science and analytics, did learn a bit of R programming. then one day i had visions of becoming a NASA engineer and sending humans to mars and doing all kind of sciency stuff and becoming a rocket propulsioni engineer. well, i have to say that didn't work much either. of all the books i've read, i've enjoyed flowers for algernon alot. and here i am, bored as fuck with life, waiting to explore the unexplored. i don't even remember much of what i learned, just faded images are all i can see in is a total mystery, has no meaning, no purpose.